# DLCM Sandbox
You can test OLOS by signing up to the DLCM Sandbox with your SWITCH ID (from the portal’s top-right menu).
Upon your first login, please send us a message via the contact form asking us for a test. You will be given a Manager role* within an Organizational Unit**. From there, you can easily add team members, create your first deposit and archive it.
To support your learning, we offer a series of quick guided tours that you will find in the portal’s top-right menu once logged in. For full details regarding the use of OLOS, a user guide is available from the same menu after logging in. And mouse-over tooltips are provided to guide you around OLOS and its functionalities.
Since it is a sandbox environment, data and metadata are not preserved and may be purged without prior notice; DOI numbers are fake; requests are not monitored; and large deposits cannot be processed (please keep your deposits below the 1GB threshold).
We will be regularly adding features to the Sandbox.
* Team members can perform different actions depending on the role they have in a particular Organizational Unit. People with the Manager role can perform all operations on an Organizational Unit.
** An Organizational Unit is a logical entity that can represent a structural unit, such as your laboratory, institute or department, or your research group or project. It allows for the management of team members and their permissions to deposit and archive research data.