About us

OLOS is the result of several years of fruitful research and collaboration by experts from nine Swiss Higher-educational institutions, united in the DLCM (Data Life-Cycle Management) national project financed by swissuniversities.

It is a non-profit private organization created with the support of three founding members: the University of Fribourg, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO) and the Geneva School of Business Administration (HEG).

OLOS has three main goals:

  1. To implement best practices in research data management
  2. To guarantee data sovereignty at the national level
  3. To lead and participate in projects within national and international programs that contribute to open science and research data management

To pursue these goals, OLOS provides a Swiss-based solution for sharing and long-term archiving of research data. The OLOS solution complies with FAIR principles, Swiss and European regulations.

As a generalist depository OLOS offers open research data (ORD) storage to a wide range of target research communities, with a vast range of formats, sizes, and privacy and security levels.

Different types of membership (Gold, Silver or Bronze) offer the opportunity to any interested individual and private or public research institution, to become a member in order to benefit from a wide range of services.