Team & Partners


Prof. Dr. Basma Makhlouf-Shabou // Head of Master IS

Geneva School of Business Administration

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland

Since 2010, Basma is a full Professor in the Information Sciences Department at Geneva School of Business Administration (HEG, HES SO) where she is responsible for Archival sciences domain. She has been  involved in the DLCM project from phase 1, leading the training, consulting and teaching track. She holds a PhD in Information Sciences from the University of Montreal (School of Library and Information Sciences, and a Master’s degree in Public Records Management. She was senior records manager at National Archives of Tunisia. Her research focuses on information value; information quality measurement, research data governance processes and tools. She is also active in several national (Infornomics; QADEPs; RIO) and international projects (InterPARES; Africa Program, ICA; PIAF). She is now co-directing DLCM 2.0.

General Secretary
Thomas Henkel.JPG
Dr. Thomas Henkel // Head of Library Coordination & Open Science

University of Fribourg


Committee Member
Dr. Christine Pirinoli // Vice-rector

University of Applied Science and Arts Western Switzerland

Holder of a Master's degree in Public Administration from IDHEAP and a Doctorate in Social Sciences from the University of Lausanne, Christine Pirinoli joined the HES-SO rectoral team in 2018 as Vice-Rector of Research and Innovation. Assistant Professor at the Institute of Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Lausanne until 2005, she was then appointed Professor in the Physiotherapy department at HESAV, then Dean of the Health Research Unit and member of the management team from 2008. In 2014, she took over responsibility for the Department of Ra&D, International Relations and Services, a position she held until she joined the Rectorate of the HES-SO.



Daira Janusa // Coordinator

Certified Project Manager, MBA with experience in the implementation of Document Management Systems and processes.

Currently responsible for the valorization of the OLOS strategy, organization of webinars, workshops, conferences, about the OLOS platform, as well as administrative questions of the Association.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about OLOS, OLOS portal or MOOC on RDM!

Aimée Noirjean // MOOC

Recently graduated from Geneva School of Business Administration (HEG, HES-SO), Bachelor in Information Sciences, she is currently working as an assistant to Prof. Basma Makhlouf-Shabou for OLOS. Within this context, she participates in the project management and in the development of an e-learning platform.

Aurèle Nicolet // Training

Holder of a Bachelor's degree (2009) and a Master's degree in History and Civilization of the Middle Ages (2013), as well as a Master's degree in Information Sciences (2016) from the Geneva School of Business Administration (HEG / HES-SO), Aurèle participates in research projects and mandates in the field of records management and information governance. As Prof. Basma Makhlouf-Shabou’s assistant, he helps to E-learning coordination for OLOS.


Partner Staff

Pierre-Yves Burgi // Project Director

Pierre-Yves Burgi is Deputy CIO, heading the unit for development and integration of IT solutions within the Information System Division of the University of Geneva. He is particularly involved in the e-research and e-learning domains. He is the initiator and director of the DLCM project which started in June 2014.

Hugues Cazeaux // CTO

After an engineering degree in Computer Science, Hugues worked in several software companies during the last 20 years, introducing and practicing agile methodologies. In the last decade, Hugues acquired expertise in the archiving & record management domain. He is currently heading the e-Research Team at UNIGE and actively contributed to the design of the DLCM solution for long-term preservation. He currently leads the development and implementation of the institutional data preservation solution of UNIGE and of the DLCM national solution.



University of Geneva

Through its e-Research team, the University of Geneva ensures the maintenance and further development of the DLCM technology, which is used by OLOS.

It ensures that the open source code is freely available on public Git repository (DLCM Backend & DLCM Frontend) and acts as a catalyst to integrate third party contributions to the core DLCM technology, making it available to OLOS and the community of developers

The University of Geneva provides technical and customer support. It also animates training sessions and webinars to ensure a smooth onboarding of new institutions and users.


The OLOS portal is hosted on SWITCHengines which ensures dynamic computation and storage ressources to its growing user base.  OLOS' first two storage nodes are located in SWITCH datacenters (one in Lausanne and the second in Zurich) connected through a fast and reliable network.

The integration to SWITCHaai and SWITCHedu-ID secure authentication infrastructure facilitates the access to researchers of any research institution.


OLOS is the outcome of the DLCM project, led by the University of Geneva and mandated by swissuniversities between 2015 and 2020.

The objective of the project was to develop a service to preserve and share research data over the long term, in full compliance with national and international regulations.