
Rates and billing options

The OLOS preservation service is charged per Organizational Unit.

An Organizational Unit is a logical entity to manage the research data of an individual researcher or a group of researchers (i.e. a laboratory, institute, department, or project). The number of archives in an Organizational Unit is not limited.

The rate of an Organizational Unit depends on the chosen package, the payment terms, the total preserved volume and the preservation duration1 (5 years, 10 years, 15 years and forever).

Available packages

Three packages with different levels of service are available to match your needs1.

CHF 50.-/year (starting price)
  • Archives
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CHF 60.-/year (starting price)
  • Archives
  • Collections
  • Extended preservation duration
  • Advanced features
  • Advanced support
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CHF 67.50/year (starting price)
  • Archives
  • Collections
  • Extended preservation duration
  • Advanced features
  • Advanced support
  • Consultation on research data management
  • Data stewardship
  • DMP review

All prices are given in CHF (VAT excluded) and account for 2 copies. These rates are indicative. They are based on the [up to 50GB] volume range and correspond to an infinite (forever) preservation duration.The service is invoiced upfront for the entire preservation period (particularly well suited for SNSF projects). The prevailing rate depends on the range in which your Organizational Unit falls:

[up to 50GB] , [51GB-100GB] , [101GB-500GB] , [501GB-1000GB] , [>1000GB]

A corrective invoice is issued at the end of each calendar year in case you exceed the limit of the volume range that you paid for your Organizational Unit2. Rates decrease with volume and preservation duration.

SNSF Projects

If you are being funded by the SNSF, you can apply for funding of research data storage and access (open data) costs. OLOS complies with FAIR principles.

This price structure is approved by the SNSF. 

On-demand support and training service

If the package that you have chosen does not include support and training services, it is possible to get additional services at the rate of 150 CHF/hour.


The OLOS Association is open to any institution or individual. The available membership categories and their benefits are available on the Memberships page.


1 You may be eligible for a discount if your research institution is a member of the OLOS Association. Membership terms and conditions are avaialble on our Membership page.
2 All archives created in an Organizational Unit have the same preservation duration. To archive data over different time periods, you need to request the creation of additional Organizational Units.
3 The Premium package includes 1 hour consulting, 1 hour data stewardship and 1 DMP review per year.